LOGODI Commemorates the 10th Anniversary of Its Relocation to Jeollabukdo Province

After relocating to Jeonbuk Innovation City, LOGODI significantly expanded its training targets as well as types and numbers of courses: It established the Global Leaders Program (10 month) and opened the LOGODI Assessment Center and Local Council Training Center. Over the past 10 years (2013-2022), LOGODI has trained more than 5.41 million individuals based on man-days, including those who participated in online training.
Furthermore, there have been improvements in the training methods. The overall curriculum underwent reorganization, shifting from a rank-based to a position-based and role-focused structure to enhance practical value. Additionally, learning through discussions increased and a theater-type teaching environment was introduced for field administrators.

Since its relocation, LOGODI has established and implemented seven special tasks for regional win-win partnerships. These include incorporating local food in its cafeteria and giving priority to local companies in project contracts, and contributing to the revitalization of local commercial areas.
At the ceremony celebrating the 10th year of relocation, LOGODI awarded merit plaques to four organizations. Wanju Police Station was among the recipients, recognized for its significant assistance in LOGODI's successful settlement in Jeonbuk Innovation City over the past decade. The recipients also included a private donator, Choi Hae-rim.
Afterward, during the Vision Declaration Ceremony, LOGODI pledged to take the lead in promoting regional co-prosperity and nurturing individuals who will serve as a leader in the next 100 years of the ‘Local Era.’

Minister Lee Sang-min expressed gratitude to those who have assisted LOGODI in settling in Jeonbuk Innovation City. He added that LOGODI will continue to do its best to foster talented individuals and play a leading role in ushering in the prosperous ‘Local Era.’