LOGODI Shares Government Innovation Experiences with Ethiopian Officials

This program marked the final part of the three-year capacity building program initiated in 2021 and sponsored by KOICA, aimed at supporting government innovation and establishing good governance in Ethiopia.
Ethiopia is focusing on accelerating economic growth with the goal of becoming a lower middle-income country by 2025, while simultaneously pursuing an administrative development roadmap which involves strategies to improve the quality of public services and enhance competency-based human resource management.

LOGODI designed training programs customized to support Ethiopia’s successful implementation of its development strategies: In the first year, the program centered around ways to promote the quality of public services; In the second year, innovation in public organization and human resources management was the main theme; and in the third year, the program touched upon strategies to strengthen government innovation and policy competency.

In particular, participants had a chance to analyze major policy issues related to government innovation with Korean experts and established implementation strategies for improvement.
At the opening ceremony, the President of LOGODI, Mr. Ryu Im-chul mentioned about the 20 years of LOGODI’s international training history and expressed his hope that it will not only improve individual capabilities but also contribute to public service reform and national development.