LOGODI Contributes to the Implementation of Cambodian National Strategic
Development Plan with
Customized Training

This course is part of an official development assistance (ODA) project that LOGODI, in collaboration with KOICA, has been conducting for three years. The project was offered as virtual training programs in both 2021 and 2022 and as an in-person, invitational training this year with 15 participants.
The Cambodian government is currently highlighting HRD as one of its four strategies* funder the National Strategic Development Plan. This strategy aims to promote gradual transfer of central government authority to the local government for the goal of decentralization and innovation.
* Economic diversification, employment promotion, sustainable development, and human resource development
In response to the needs and demands by the Cambodian government, LOGODI planned lectures on the intergovernmental cooperation system (governance), regional development policies, government innovation and digital administrative services, and human resource management. Furthermore, to make the training more interesting and effective, it included field trips to key places of Korean local government policies such as Jeonju Urban Innovation Center and Gimje Smart Farm Innovation Valley.