LOGODI Contributes to the Achievement of SDGs in the Developing Countries with On-demand Program

To achieve these goals, the government of West Java proposed a customized program for its officials to share Korea’s regional digitalization & sustainable administrative innovation strategies and cases.

LOGODI designed a program in combination with lectures, seminars on digital leadership in public sector, public service and regional innovation, Korea’s digitaliozation process and status, etc. and study visits to Incheon metropolitan city, Gochang county, and LX (Land and Geospatial Information Corporation) to share Korea’s smart city projects and its correlated regional economy vitalization cases.

The recent Indonesian officials’ training program is the 3rd one fully funded by a foreign government, following the 2018 Thailand Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University (STOU) program and the 2022 Mongolian Top 10 Officials Training Program.
LOGODI will continue its efforts to play a leading role in HRD in the public sector as well as support developing countries to achieve SDGs through proactive cooperation with foreign countries.