LOGODI Shares Korea's Experiences in Digital Administration
with Mongolian National Academy of Governance (NAOG) Faculty Members

※ NAOG is the only civil servant education institution in Mongolia. LOGODI and NAOG singed an MoU on cooperation in the fields of government officials capacity development in 2002. So far, a total of 339 faculty and staff members have participated in 21 programs.
Having started in 2002, the CBP for NAOG faculty members has been serving as an annual invitational training program that shares Korea's best practices in administration and discusses possible cooperative measures. This year, the program returned to the original on-site format for the first time in the last three years.
Mongolia currently needs to vitalize e-Mongolia, an integrated portal for government services opened in 2021, and requires support for accelerating digital government. Against this backdrop, LOGODI selected 'Digital Transformation and e-Government' as a main theme of the program and designed the program to focus on diagnosis and evaluation on the level of digital transformation and reinforcement of digital competence in the public sector.

▴ Digital Transformation and Government Innovation; ▴Case of Digital Level Diagnosis in Korean Provinces; ▴Diagnosis and Evaluation of Digital Government Level; ▴Reinforcement of Public Officials’ Digital Competency; ▴Current Status and Cases of Digital Platform Government in Korea; and ▴Strategies for 「e-Mongolia」 Development in Korea’s 「Government 24」.

Ryu Imchul, President of LOGODI, said, “Since the signing of the MOU with NAOG in 2002, active and continuous exchanges between the two organizations have strengthened mutual trust and cooperative relations.” He also expressed his hope that Mongolia will find Korea’s e-Government experiences shared through the CBP helpful in promoting its digital government.