Dr. Almazbek Akmataliev
Rector, Academy of Public Administration
under the President of the Kyrgyz Republic (APAPKR),
Kyrgyz Republic
I am Almazbek Akmataliev, the rector of the Academy of Public Administration
under the President of the Kyrgyz republic(APAPKR) named after Zhusup Abdrakhmanov and I am very happy to welcome of all dear friends, appreciated partners, and remarkable LOGODI alumni!
First of all, I would like to emphasize the significant role of LOGODI in the continuous development and improvement of capacity building system for public and municipal servants, and, in addition, in supporting international capacity building programs. For example, we have been cooperating with LOGODI since 2018 and these past five years have been marked by new discoveries and innovations that LOGODI generously shares with us.
I would like to talk briefly about the Academy. In 1992, the Bishkek International School of Management and Business was established on the basis of the Center for Research and Expertise under the President of the Kyrgyz Republic and the Faculty of Administrative and Economic Sciences of York University (Canada). In 1997, this school was transformed into the Academy of Management under the President of the Kyrgyz Republic and was given Presidential status. In 2012, the Academy was transformed into the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Kyrgyz Republic, and in 2022 the Academy was named after the outstanding statesman of the Kyrgyz Republic - Zhusup Abdrakhmanov. To date, the Academy is the only specialized educational organization in the Kyrgyz Republic, which is entrusted with the task of capacity building for state and municipal employees. The Academy celebrated its 30th anniversary.
It is a great honor and privilege for our Academy to cooperate with LOGODI. We express our sincere gratitude for the stable and fruitful cooperation. We highly appreciate the partnership relations and mutual understanding established between us. We would like to emphasize the high level of professionalism of your staff and thank you for the prompt resolution of issues. We received a lot of positive experience from LOGODI during the difficult period of COVID-19 and the post-COVID period, when, despite the difficulties and obstacles, LOGODI continued its educational activities in international cooperation with partners, setting an example of fortitude, determination and goal achievement.
Please accept our sincere congratulations on the New Year!
Let this year become a launching pad for new ups, achievements, discoveries, victories!
May any undertaking be doomed to undeniable success in the new year, and may plans be easily and accurately implemented into concrete deeds and events.
A fruitful, productive and rewarding new year 2023!