Administrative Trends in Korea
Expansion of Big Data Access for 2.26 Million Cancer Patients

The K-CURE Public Cancer Library is a big data* resource designed for research purposes. It includes anonymized data on cancer patients in Korea, such as registration, screening, medical use, and mortality data, which is securely handled to ensure individual privacy. The scope and types of data available have now been expanded. (AI).
* ① Cancer registration data(Korea Central Cancer Registry), ② Health insurance eligibility and screening information(National Health Insurance Service), ③ Medical usage and claims information(Health Insurance Review & Assessment Service), ④ Mortality information(Statistics Korea)
Researchers can request access to the required data through the K-CURE portal( After a review process ensuring appropriate anonymization and evaluating research necessity, data can be utilized within the Safe Utilization Centers. These centers, equipped with secure, closed analysis environments, are located at the Korea Health Information Service, the National Cancer Center, Wonju Severance Christian Hospital, Chungnam National University Hospital, and Keimyung University Dongsan Medical Center.· Source: Ministry of Health and Welfare