My experience in Korea

Michael B Msendekwa
Deputy Rector
Research and Consultancy
Local Government Training Institute
My name is Michael B Msendekwa, I am the Deputy Rector-Academic, Research and Consultancy at the
Local Government Training Institute (LGTI) - Dodoma, Tanzania. I hold a PhD in Education,
specializing in Curriculum and Instruction.
I was privileged to have an invitation to attend the LOGODI Global Forum 2023 with the theme
‘The Role and Tasks of Training Institute for Future Government in the AI Era’. The invitation
came at the right time as the LGTI was also striving to go through its mandated core functions
of its establishment. So, I was excited to get such an invitation.
My visit started by preparing myself to get all the necessary documents for the journey. I had
to travel to Dar es Salaam for a visa where the Korea Embassy is located. I got a very warmly
welcome at the Korea Embassy. I enjoyed the customer care right from the registration point to
the desk for visa application.

At Incheon international airport I was well received with a very good customer care. I was taken to Jeonju that evening. I also met another participant from Sri Lanka and came to learn that his name was Nalaka Kaluwewe. The driver drove us to Lahan hotel in Jeonju. It was a nice hotel with a great breakfast.
My experience at LOGODI and Korea in general has changed my thinking and perception about organizing different forums and events. I met people well organized and very kind wherever we visited. I found my place to seat with my name on the table. So, everybody had to read his/her name and directly goes where he/she is supposed to be.

The LOGODI president is real a good person, so kind, he devoted his time to be with us during the second day from morning until dinner time, not mentioning Vivien who made sure that the group is safe and enjoys the stay in Korea.
I was impressed to visit Jeollabukdo Provincial Government where we visited the Administrative Authorities and Local Council too. I was impressed to notice that a lady was elected as a Chairperson of the Local Council. I also noticed how digital competence is applied when asking for different services. I saw an old woman using her digital competence to get services at the passport section at Jeollabukdo Provincial Government. I was surprised to see the use of artificial intelligence. A robot was able to send meals to people in office. I saw this at Naver. At K-Water HRD Institute I enjoyed the warm welcome, a very nice presentation was conducted showing what they do. I walked around and so how water was purified. This was a great experience to me.

The Korean performance was awesome. I saw a great performance accompanying by dancing. I didn’t understand the words but the facial expressions and the clapping of hands by the audience signified that they were real doing a great.
Generally, Korean are so kind, love their country and traditions. I enjoyed my stay in Korea. I hope all of you have as good a memory this year as I do and wishing you all the very best in 2024.
Happy New Year!