Korea’s National Development Strategies and Government Administration Technique are Shared with Mongolian Officials

LOGODI opened a capacity building program for Mongolian government officials in partnership with Korean Institute of Public Administration (KIPA) from December 12 to 16, inviting 12 Mongolian government officials.

This training is part of the Prime Minister's plan to strengthen the capabilities needed for inter-departmental collaboration which is required for the successful implementation of VISION 2050*, the national long-term development plan.
* VISION 2050: Mongolian development model to improve the quality of life and to become a leading country in Asia. It is comprised of 9 sectors, including shared national value, human development, governance, economy etc.

As a first step, the National Academy of Governance (NAOG) has been conducting training programs related to the VISION 2050 since 2021. About 12,000 officials participated in the training and top 100 officials with outstanding academic records were selected.

Among them, the final top 10 officials were given opportunities to join the overseas study visit upon the Prime Minister’s permission, and this study visit program is expected to continue sequentially.

During the Study Visit in Korea, trainees shared the best practices of the Korean government related to national development strategies and state administration during the lectures and seminars.

In addition, they visited the National Assembly, the Ministry of the Interior and Safety, Sejong City, and the National Research Council. etc., where pre-studied policies are implemented such as government innovation, smart city and national R&D systems, etc.

It is also expected that in-depth discussions and seminars with KIPA researchers on HRM, government work procedures & evaluation, and strategies & management for regulatory innovation and state affairs management will provide insightful lessons and benchmarking ideas to be implemented in the different Ministries and departments.

LOGODI President mentioned, “This on-demand program was possible thanks to the mutual trust and cooperation with NAOG that has continued to grow over the past 20 years.” He also added his hope that this training will be actively utilized in establishing action plans for national development and improvement of people’s lives in Mongolia.