From the President's Desk
As the 59th President of the Local Government Officials Development Institute (LOGODI), I am pleased to greet you through this 31st e-Newsletter.
Since its establishment in 1965, LOGODI has contributed to regional development by fostering local government officials in Korea for the past half-century. As a new president, I am honored and privileged to be part of LOGODI.
For the successful implementation of national policies, I think the most valuable asset is the people. Especially local government officials are the backbone of national development. To this end, LOGODI aims to contribute to Korea's new leap forward by cultivating key leaders as a linkage between the central and local governments.
As the fourth industrial revolution will generate significant benefits and challenges, LOGODI strives for the most practical and future-oriented training to prepare for these changes by continuously eliminating obstacles to improve the learning environment and methods.
Building resilience is key to prosperity for all in the post-COVID-19 world. To strengthen the global partnership for rebuilding prosperity and resilience in the partner countries, LOGODI shares Korea's experiences in government innovation and development with their government officials.
Despite our separation in time and distance, the connection of LOGODI to you is as strong as ever. As the President of LOGODI, I will do my best to ensure that LOGODI makes its dedicated efforts to fulfill its mission to create win-win growth at the local, national, and global levels. Indeed, I look forward to seeing what more we can achieve together in the future.
On behalf of LOGODI, I extend my deepest gratitude for your efforts in supporting LOGODI from home and abroad.
Thank you.