On September 7, 2022, LOGODI ran an 'Enhanced Cooperation Program for Government Officials in the Philippines,' sponsored by the OECD Korea Policy Centre (OECD KPC) and partnered with the Local Government Academy (LGA) of the Philippines.
This is the second collaborative program LOGODI has partnered with the OECD Korea Policy Centre since 2021.
Started with the TOT Program for the National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA) in Vietnam, this year LOGODI and OECD KPC designed ECP for the Philippine government officials and the LGA staff based on the needed topics such as HRD Trends in Public Sector, Digital Governance, Government Innovation. About 200 central and local government officials and the LGA's faculty and staff actively participated in the training.
LOGODI and the LGA partnership started in 2019 when Executive Director Thelma Vecina participated in the annual LOGODI Global Forum. Since then, two institutes has extended the cooperation and Ms. Vecina is sharing the current status on the given topic in the Philippine context such as local government officials' digital training platforms and digital competencies etc.
Mr. Hwang Ho-yun, Director General of the Planning Department of LOGODI, expressed his appreciation to the OECD KPC and the LGA for the partnership and asked the further cooperation to leverage the best insights and knowledge in education and training.
Along with her gratitude, Ms. Thelma T. Vecina of the LGA, wished that today’s training will contribute to the public service innovation in the Philippines.
Mr. Hwang Sinjo, Director General of the Public Governance Program in the OECD KPC, stressed the importance of the program as a forum to discuss about the current issues in the Philippines and appreciated for the three part partnership.