Global Leaders Take One More Step Forward Their Goals

From July 6 to August 7, 2020, the 5th batch of the Global Leaders Program participated in a five-week Intensive English course at Yonsei Univesity in Seoul, Korea.

The program was designed to help the participants to expand their global awareness and communicative abilities through various activities, including weeks of intensive English classes, special lectures & meetings with acclaimed international scholars, site visits, diverse ethnic and cultural experiences, and research project presentation, etc.

During the program, Dr. Michael Reiterer, the Ambassador of the European Union to the Republic of Korea, gave a speech on Korea-EU Relations. Also, the participants had discussion sessions with two acclaimed international scholars of Yonsei University; corporate social performance by Dr. Andres Guiral and US-China relations and Korean Peninsula affairs by Dr. John Delury, as well as three international researchers about food waste management in Rwanda, the ministry of the Government of France, and diversity and inclusion.

During the closing ceremony, the representative of the group expressed her sincere appreciation and stressed that they have not only improved their English communication skills but also increased global competitiveness and capabilities through the program.